8 Common types of Infographic Design – Know when to use them in your Marketing Strategy | Blog | Synapse

Infographics are a great piece of marketing collateral. They are attractive, give you all the information concisely, and have a wide scope of usage in all kinds of marketing strategies and even on websites.  People are visual which means they are 100 times more likely to retain the information they see rather than a verbal explanation. In our previous article, 5 Great Reasons to use Infographics in your Content Marketing Strategy, we talked about the positive impact infographics have on businesses when used properly. Now, let’s learn a little more about the different types of infographic design that you can use and when to use them.  

There are 8 types of infographic design that are highly effective in helping you increase engagement and gain your target audience’s attention. They are: 

List Infographics  

List infographics are one of the most popular, informational infographic designs available. As is obvious by the name, this type of infographic design uses a written list to put out its message. It’s quite text-heavy however, thanks to being designed for a more visual outlook, it also includes a wide range of design elements. 

When should you use this type of infographic design?  

Have several items that you want to mention? List infographics allow you the best of both worlds where you can relay information using both data-intensive text and attractive visuals. It also works well when you create a list blog post. The simplest thing to do is to append it along with your article’s main points to increase both readability and shareability. Not only will you be able to break up large blocks of text but also give your article more visual appeal. This also makes it more visible on social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Statistical Infographics

Statistical infographics are yet another well-used infographic design that is often found in articles, reports, presentations, etc. They include pie charts, bar graphs, and any other similar visual representations of data.

When should you use this type of infographic design?  

The best time to use statistical infographics is when you need to present data and/ or statistics. You can compile the information you want to put out and use a statistical infographic to depict it. Lay people may find statistics and other similar data pretty boring, overwhelming, and difficult to understand. Even more so this data is read from a text-heavy article. However, if the same data is visually and neatly represented, using bright colors, the audience will probably find it easier to digest and retain the necessary information. 

How-to Infographics  

During the pandemic, you may have seen a lot of instructional images on how to avoid Covid 19 and stay safe, on the Internet. Whether it was following the proper protocol when entering a doctor’s clinic, washing your hands properly, or wearing a mask the right way, these were basically what you could call ‘How-to infographics’.   

When should you use this type of infographic design?  

This kind of infographic design also works well in other cases such as solving a problem or performing a task where a step-by-step explanation is required. It’s a great way to avoid overwhelming the audience and explain things to them in a straightforward manner. For example,  giving step-by-step directions on how to build a bookcase. Using simple illustrations alongside each step can go a long way in helping the audience process the information more easily. If they don’t want to hear a long-winded explanation or read an instruction manual, this kind of infographic design is the easiest way to give them the information they need.

Timeline Infographics  

Want to present a set of important milestones in your company in chronological order? If so, timeline infographics are the way to go. They can be used in a number of ways in your marketing strategy. Some of these are to:  

  • Show a person or item’s historical development in the company  
  • Explain how a product has evolved in its niche market or department  
  • Illustrate how certain company practices have been introduced and then used to better employee morale  

When should you use this type of Infographic Design?  

Remember that you’re sharing information that has historical or chronological meaning. Therefore, it’s essential that you use icons and illustrations while explaining each point in the timeline. Do this to represent them with the proper emphasis. As a general rule, not everyone finds this kind of information engaging when it’s in plain text form. However, add imagery and icons that make it more visually appealing and they are more likely to read and retain the information. 

Comparison Infographics  

When you want to compare or contrast 2 or more options, you use comparison infographics. You can present the necessary data side by side, in a visual format, to help the audience understand what divides these various concepts and accordingly, choose which option is best for them.   

When should you use this type of Infographic Design?  

A lot of companies use this type of infographic design in their marketing strategies. Typically, it’s to demonstrate how their product or service measures or performs in comparison with a competitor. The best way to depict data using comparison infographics is in chart or table format, with icons or illustrations to display any similarities and differences. It’s a great infographic design to use for 2 reasons. It allows you to share information concisely and also allows your readers to make an informed decision about the product or service.  

Map/ Location Infographics  

This is yet another infographic design that makes its way into a lot of blog posts, presentations, and reports. It’s typically used to indicate information relating to a geographic area. Icons are placed on a map of a specific region, country, and in some cases, even the world.  

When should you use this type of infographic design?  

Map infographics are generally used to depict different types of information such as demographics or other location-specific details, make observations about the company’s users or target audience, etc. 

Flowchart Infographics  

This type of infographic design is yet another much favored one, especially when explaining a process in a particular sequence. Using flowchart infographics allows a person to follow a process. They typically ask ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions and then point them to the next step based on their responses.   

When should you use this type of Infographic Design?  

It’s an infographic design that boosts engagement. It helps to carefully guide people individually through processes while also allowing them to decide on how they want to respond. This comes in handy when making decisions about choosing a particular product or service.   

It’s also a great tool for a company to use internally. Especially when onboarding new employees, guiding them to use company tools, or simply troubleshooting and fixing other common issues.  

Process Description Infographics   

This infographic design is especially useful in visually depicting every action or step that’s part of a process. It’s similar to a flowchart infographic but there aren’t any decision boxes with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in its design.   

When should you use this type of Infographic Design?  

Process description infographics work well with describing highly technical processes or any set of complex actions.   

Process description infographics are fantastic. They take complex information and break it down for a layperson to understand, using the simplest language possible. You can categorize information accordingly and help the audience understand how they can use the product. Another plus point is that it helps generate further interest in your brand and all products and services under it. Use this infographic design in your marketing strategy to show the target audience the product or service’s essential points and benefits. 


Get the best Infographic Design for your Brand and Marketing Strategy  

There are so many types of infographic design. This just makes it difficult to choose the right type. There’s a chance that some things may work better than others Do you pick just one? Or perhaps combine different types? The good news is that you really don’t need to worry. We have a highly skilled graphic design team at Synapse that knows how to create clean and crisp infographic designs. Trust us when we say that we will make your brand and marketing stand out in the best way possible. Have a look at our work and our services. Call us for more information and a quote at 1800 121 5955 or email us at contact@synapse.co.